Monday 30 May 2016

A grassy path and the Lady's Smock

Took this picture yesterday as I walked round the field - so much easier now we have this beautiful path cut.  Lots of Lady's Smock flowering; we didn't see it when we had the ponies, they must have liked it too.  The creamy Hawthorn (May) blossom is out too, you can see it on the tree in the background.

Saturday 28 May 2016

28th. May 2016 - Saturday

A fine calm morning, thick mist at 6 a.m. which soon cleared. The garden looks lovely and smells exquisite; mostly the two perfoliate honeysuckles but also lilac and wistaria.  I stood outside at 8 a.m. watching the swallows who were suddenly all circling the yard, maybe 40/50 of them, clearly something amiss.  I couldn't see a cat and they don't mind me or the dog.  There was constant twittering.  Also a blackbird with beak full of worms was perched high on the barn roof watching them and not continuing the journey back to her nestlings.  I watched to see if each swallow was continuing to circle - yes, and NOT swooping into the old stable as would be usual.  This last fact registered more strongly and I went to have a look in there, (somewhat apprehensively!) where there are many nests.  As I went in to the dark, a big crow flew out of the window.  Never seen that before. He was on a raid.  The circling stopped almost instantly, and normal flying and swooping in and out was resumed.  The blackbird then flew down with her worms and disappeared under the workshop door; she is probably using the same nest high in there that was made last year.

It is amazing what you discover if you start to read the signs of nature!