Tuesday 29 May 2018

Proper hot

Nothing dramatic to write about, except the recent very warm weather, which culminated in a swelteringly hot day yesterday. We had a lovely afternoon with friends, enjoying some lovely food and making music. As we left their village a hare crossed the road in front of us - we very rarely see one - he hurried along the opposite verge and then jumped into the hedge. It must have been the hottest day for many years. Today, we noticed that our industrial-standard garden hose had blistered in the heat.
A few days ago I positioned a couple of paving slabs to catch the sun, in the hope that I may see a slow worm or grasssnake sunbathing. I've put them both next to long grass, in places that will not be disturbed.  Haven't seen anything yet, though I know we have both species.

Here's one of the slabs -