Saturday 27 February 2021

More nest boxes - milk bottle and welly boot

 Following on from that we have put up two more nest sites - bit of an experiment, this. One is a 4 pint plastic milk bottle and the other is a cut down Wellington boot.

The milk bottle has been wrapped in black tape to darken it, been pierced to make a few drainage holes and positioned horizontally just below the eaves of the garden shed.  The hole is 30mm. probably not quite big enough for sparrows but we shall see.

The boot has been cut to form an open cavity that might attract a robin. It is positioned about 8’ up, under an open shelter, next to the old stables.

Here they are -

Nest boxes...

 At the beginning of 2020 we built a nestbox - well, I drew out a template and the build was a joint project for Grandpa and grandson. It went upcountry, worked really well and was used by a pair of bluetits.

This year Paul has made one for us. It is positioned on the old wall about 15 feet from the kitchen window, so we have a really good view. By the middle of February I had seen great tits and blue tits on the perch, putting their heads in and out of the hole, and by late February the blue tits were going in and out properly.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

A stoat....!

 This video of a stoat was captured by my son-in-law whilst he was taking a coffee break where he was working in Berkshire. He said the stoat was after a mouse. I have seen the same stoat behaviour here, but have never managed to film it!