Sunday 4 October 2020

Sulphur Tuft or Honey Fungus?

 I popped out to pick a handful of runner beans yesterday; the weather is atrocious. It’s Storm Alex all over this weekend and we have had several weeks worth of rain in three days. I imagine that the dampness has triggered this amazing flush of toadstool growth, which I am certain was not there two days ago because I had then been standing sticks there, and would have noticed. 

I’ve looked it up and am slightly confused as to which of these it is but am leaning now to the Honey Fungus diagnosis.

Sulphur Tuft it is the most common UK fungus and is poisonous. 

Honey Fungus is “endemic in UK woodland”, not poisonous but considered to be disastrous

The fungus is growing on beech; in fact this is part of an enormous and ancient bole that has spread over several yards diameter. 

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