Wednesday 10 March 2021

A nestbox camera

 I have long wanted a camera with which to see what goes on at a bird’s nest. I was triggered into actually getting one by being given a gift voucher towards the purchase.

There isn’t room in our present nestbox; Paul made a taller model and we now have it all fixed up, it had to have a power supply and be able to access a good wi-fi signal. It had been up about a week when I saw a beak coming in through the hole (which is 26 mm), with glossy black head attached!!  I think it was a Great tit.  It didn’t come into the box, just put its head in and out a few times.

Then, a few days later, my son saw this blue tit actually in the box. He took video but for some reason  I cannot get them to play on this blogger so here’s a capture from it. We’re very excited by this “viewing”, and really hope our little visitor takes up residence!

The camera is fixed inside the roof of the box, pointing downwards. The entrance hole is in the front, not in the floor!

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