Saturday 1 May 2021

Not long now until hatching

 I am not sure how long, but I think the earliest an egg will hatch might be tomorrow, 2nd. May. Incubation time is 13 days but Mrs. GT’s sitting was erratic in the first few days so I’m not sure when to count from.

However she sits down tight now, occasionally pulling the nest around her and sometimes diving down to move the eggs around. She only leaves for a couple of minutes at a time.

Mr. GT comes with food. I have tried to get a photo; this (below) is the best so far. He puts his head in and she reaches up to take the offering.

A couple of weeks ago I stopped replenishing the seed and peanut feeders. I was so worried at seeing the sparrowhawk hiding around and was sure it would have been aware that small birds congregate there.  The weather has been good and I think there is a lot of insect food available, so I am trusting that our Great tits will manage.

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