Thursday 2 June 2016

My blackbird's back

She came to the door this afternoon and hopped indoors.  I was grating cheese to make a savoury loaf, and I threw her a couple of gratings, which she loved.   She looked slightly scruffy so I wonder if she has finished breeding for this year and is starting to moult, but that would be unusual - she must be in between broods though I think, it is usually worms and insects only on the menu when they are feeding young ones.  Her husband is a scaredy cat, and doesn't come close to us.

This picture was taken last year when she suddenly appeared on the table right next to me.  Notice the dog, lower left corner, who is keeping an eye on her.  She has been coming since 2014; more so in the winter, when we always throw her a few biscuit crumbs.

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